2016 Recap

2016 has been a crap year for the most part.. but on the reading front – my number of books read has gone up (not by a lot but I am still pretty proud of it.)

Here is a little recap of my year in reading..

Some of my favourite books read in 2016:

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Talking as Fast as I Can by Lauren Graham

If you are a Gilmore Girls fan and a Lauren Graham fan then this book is a MUST read! It was fun, quirky, and real. It felt like Lauren was talking directly to me. My only gripe – not enough Gilmore Girls in this book. I wanted moreeeee.


The Nest by Kenneth Oppel

This was a quick read but the story was sooo impressive. It was a strange and magical story that shared a message that nothing is perfect. I don’t know.. this book was kind of perfect 😉


Wenjack by Joseph Boyden

This one is a heart breaker. It’s a short story that packs so much truth and emotion in to it. I couldn’t put it down. Ugh 😦 It sheds light on Canada’s seedy past. The past that we try to avoid but really should be made to see and hear it. This should be mandatory reading for all Canadians. </3


Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter

If you are looking for a messed up book that will leave you drained from its intense story telling..then this is the book for you. What a wild ride this was! So dark and twisted.. I wanted to skip work and read this in one sitting (but I am a responsible adult..so I didn’t do that. lol)


I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh

Another great psychological thriller. This one wasn’t like any I had read before. Did not see that ending coming or the direction of this book!! I cannot wait to read more by this author (I picked up her newest book! Need to get around to that asap)


Some of my not-so-favourite books of 2016:


Rock Chick by Kristen Ashley

I wanted to like this one. It was recommended by a coworker who adores this author/series so I really wanted to like this too. We have the best book chats at work (she reads a lot) but we read very different books.. this was my attempt to read books from her fave genre. I just couldn’t get in to it. The main character was so annoying and just DUMB. How many times can you put yourself in danger before common sense kicks in and tells you to stop being a stupid f*ck and take better care of your life?? Ugh. The main guy was hot..but not really my type I guess. I’ve heard the series gets better.. I may have to pick up the second book and see if I can enjoy it..


Breathe by Abbi Glines

This was another recommended book and another one that I didn’t really enjoy. It was WAY better than Rock Chick but I found it kind of annoying for the following reasons: insta-love, kind of unbelievable, characters were too young. Who falls that quickly for someone?? And really..you just happen to work for this this mega hot superstar and he falls for you hard? The issue with the age has more to do with my age than the characters. I just couldn’t get in to a 17-year-old’s relationship. I am told to try the other books in this series. The characters are older and the authors story-telling improves. I definitely will check out the next book!


My True Love Gave to Me by Various Authors

This one makes me sad! I’ve heard great things about this book of short stories. It is always recommended as a MUST-READ this time of year… but omg. NO. I adored the first story in the book (by the fabulous Rainbow Rowell) but the rest were so ‘meh.’ Even the stories by some of my other fave YA authors were boring (I am talking about you Jenny Han, Gayle Forman, Stephanie Perkins..) I think my expectations were a little too high for this book. I just couldn’t get in to it. Can Rainbow write a whole book around her story please? I would buy it and read it every year around the holidays ❤


2016 brought some amazing books in to my life and some not-so-amazing books. If you want to creep the other books I’ve read you can find them on my Goodreads or Instagram account. I don’t really review anymore (I am so lazy now haha) but I star rate all of the books on my GR account. So check it out!

What were some of your favourite books of 2016? Least favourite?

