Coffee and Books

Coffee and Books. Two very different items. One you drink and the other you read. Even so, the two of them seem to be prominently stapled together in my life. I mean.. I am drinking Coffee RIGHT NOW while reading a book. Seriously… I am addicted. If you follow me on Instagram you will notice the abundance of coffee+book picture posts. There is just something about a good book and a warm drink that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. And I am not alone. So many people pair the two together. If you are a #hashtag fiend you will see over a couple of thousand pictures of the pair in #Booksandcoffee or #Coffeeandbooks (and there are probably numerous other tags for them!)

I don’t know why I crave coffee while reading but I do. Sometimes I will make tea or hot chocolate but Coffee is my main go-to beverage. My reading adventures feel complete when I have both in my hands. #Iamsoweird #butIlovecoffeeandbookstogether 😀 #Iamnowdoneramblingonaboutnothingandeverything

I am curious about your go-to reading beverage! Is it tea? Coffee? Wine? Plain ol’ water? Anyone else a coffee+book addict?



8 thoughts on “Coffee and Books

  1. Coffee and tea with books: YES! I scanned all the book review photos on my blog: books with tea, cupcakes, bunnies, and a few with Rubik’s Cubes (it WAs pertinent to the book topics… nerdy…I know…) Alas, no coffees&book pics. I will have to remedy that. Cheers!

    1. You definitely have to remedy that buuuut cupcakes seems like an awesome pairing 😉 I need to creep your blog and see the Rubik’s Cube one!! lol

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