Conversation – Booking Through Thursday



Do you have people you can talk to about books you’ve read? Share delight in plot twists, explore how much fun it was, or how badly written?

I have quite a few people I can talk to about books with!

My Husband – A non-reader who listens to me rant/rave/gush over my current reads! He surprisingly never tells me to shut it even when I don’t stop talking about books haha. True love right there folks!

My BFFs – They both like to read and discuss books! We share book recommendations all the time! Love it ❤ One BFF also shares her moms recommendations because her mom and I used to discuss books at length when we worked together!

My Mothers – Both my Mom and MIL love to read. We talk about our favourite authors/books. My mom loves to read young adult books so she is a great person to give YA recommendations to.

I also have some online friends who are huge readers and enjoy discussing anything and everything to do with books. I love to surround myself with “booknerds” and the book community!

What about you?

Musing Mondays (May 5)

musingmondays51Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it! 
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

This is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading.

I think this Monday I will discuss one my reading/book habits!

I have this obsessive need to keep my books in the best condition. It is so bad that I refuse to carry around books loose in my purse or backpack without something covering it to protect it. I always wrap my book up in a plastic bag or place it in an iPad case to keep it from getting ruined! I seriously need to invest in a book case (Does anyone even make these?? They really should!)

What are your Monday Musings?